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Separation Anxiety: How To Manage

Separation anxiety is a prevalent problem for dogs. While some dogs may never experience it, it can be a severe issue for other dogs. Luckily, if your dog suffers from separation anxiety, there are a few things that you can do to help them. 

There are many different ways to help your furry friend feel more comfortable when you’re not around, from crate training to dog-proofing your home. This post will explore a few different options for managing your dog’s separation anxiety.

What Is Separation Anxiety?

For most dog owners, their pet is not just an animal but a beloved family member. So, it’s natural to worry if your furry friend starts showing signs of separation anxiety. This condition is characterized by a dog becoming agitated and restless when left alone and can often lead to destructive behaviors like chewing furniture or barking excessively.

While the exact cause of separation anxiety is unknown, it is thought to be related to a dog’s natural pack instincts. Some dogs become anxious and stressed without their pack (i.e., their human family). The good news is that there are many ways to help a dog with separation anxiety.

Signs Of Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Separation Anxiety

Are you wondering if your dog may be experiencing separation anxiety? There are a few key signs to look for that can indicate that your dog is struggling when left alone. One of the most common signs is excessive vocalization, such as whining, barking, or howling. This can occur when you first leave or during your absence.

Your dog may also pace or circle repetitively, seem restless or agitated, chew on objects excessively, have accidents indoors despite being house-trained, or follow you constantly. If you notice any of these behaviors, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to develop a plan to help your dog feel more comfortable when left alone.

Tips For Managing Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Now that you are aware of what separation anxiety is and some of the signs to look for, you may be wondering what you can do to help your dog. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, several different management techniques may help your furry friend feel more comfortable when left alone.

Crate Training

Crate training is often recommended for puppies, but it can also be helpful for adult dogs who are experiencing separation anxiety. The crate provides a safe, secure space for your dog to stay while you’re away, and it can help reduce your dog’s anxiety levels. Crate training takes time and patience, but it can be an effective way to manage your dog’s separation anxiety. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Choose the right crate. Make sure the crate is big enough for your dog to stand up and turn around in, but not so big that they can use one end as a bathroom.
  • Introduce the crate gradually. Put the crate in a room where your dog spends a lot of time, such as the living room or bedroom, and let them get used to it before putting them in it.
  • Make it positive. Put their favorite toys or treats in the crate, and praise them when they go involuntarily.
  • Don’t force it. If your dog seems unwilling to go into the crate, don’t force them. It should be their decision to go in, not yours.
  • Be patient. Crate training takes time and patience, but it will be worth it.

Dog-Proofing Your Home

Another way to help your dog with separation anxiety is to ensure your home is safe and secure. Take steps to prevent them from getting into trouble when you’re not around. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Put away any items your dog could chew on, such as shoes, clothing, or furniture.
  • Keep all cleaning products and other chemicals out of reach.
  • Block off any house areas that you don’t want them to go into, such as the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Make sure all windows and doors are secure.

Get Your Pup Plenty Of Exercise

Another way to manage your dog’s separation anxiety is by getting your pup plenty of exercise. A tired dog is a good dog, after all. Exercise does wonders for a dog’s physical health and mental well-being. A good game of fetch can tire out even the most energetic of pups. If your dog is the type that loves to run, then take them on long walks or runs around the neighborhood.

You could even enroll them in doggy daycare where they can socialize and play with other furry friends. A worn-out dog is more likely to take a nap instead of pacing around the house waiting for you to come home. So, the next time you’re feeling guilty about leaving your dog home alone, remember that a bit of exercise can go a long way in preventing separation anxiety.

Leave The TV On

One simple solution to help separation anxiety is to leave the TV on. The sound of voices will help your dog feel less isolated, and it may even provide a sense of security. Of course, it’s crucial to find a program or channel that won’t upset your dog.

If the volume is too loud or the content is too violent, it could make your dog’s anxiety worse. You’ll also want to make sure that the TV is in a safe location where your dog can’t accidentally knock it over. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find a solution that helps reduce your dog’s separation anxiety.

Take Your Pup To A Trainer

Another option is to take your dog to a trained professional who can help teach them how to cope with being away from you. This option is often best for dogs with severe separation anxiety or those who have not responded well to other treatment methods. If you decide to take this route, find a trainer who uses positive reinforcement methods and has experience working with dogs with separation anxiety. While this option is a little more expensive, it could be worth it if it means helping your dog feel more relaxed and comfortable when you’re not around.

Speak With Your Veterinarian

If you think your dog may be suffering from separation anxiety and none of the above methods seem to work, the next step is to speak with your veterinarian. They can help rule out any underlying medical causes and develop a treatment plan. This may involve behavioral modification exercises, such as desensitization and counterconditioning. They may also prescribe medication in some cases. With the right approach, separation anxiety is something that you can effectively manage.

Start Managing Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common problem for dogs, but there are many things you can do to help your dog feel more comfortable when you’re away. You can find a solution that works for both you and your furry friend with a little patience. 

Remember not to get discouraged and keep trying different things until you find what works best. After all, every dog is different, and what works for one may not work for another. With a bit of time and effort, you’ll be able to find a solution that helps your dog feel calm and relaxed even when their favorite humans aren’t there.