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Common Signals To Calm Your Dog Down

Dogs can get worked up for a number of reasons, such as when they’re overexcited, anxious, or scared. When your pup gets worked up, it’s important to be able to calm your dog down quickly so that they don’t get too agitated and start barking or biting. This article will look at some common signals to calm your dog down that you can try and use. Not every dog will respond to the same methods, so you may have to experiment until you find what works best for your pet.

How Using Signals To Calm Your Dog Works

Calm Your Dog

Dogs are highly attuned to their owners’ cues, both verbal and nonverbal. When owners use positive reinforcement techniques, such as petting and rewards, they reinforce desired behaviors. On the other hand, if owners use negative reinforcement, such as scolding or punishment, they punish undesirable behaviors. However, people often overlook another way to communicate with dogs: using signals.

Calming signals are voluntary behaviors that dogs use to communicate with each other and with humans. They include actions such as turning away, licking lips, and yawning. By understanding these signals and using them appropriately, owners can help to calm their dogs and prevent problem behaviors before they start. For example, if a dog starts getting too excited, an owner can turn away from the dog or avoid eye contact. 

This signal will help to calm the dog down and prevent him from getting overexcited. In addition, by using calming signals consistently, owners can help their dogs to feel more comfortable and secure in different situations. As a result, this communication tool can be valuable for preventing problem behaviors and promoting a strong bond between owner and dog. Now let’s look at some of the most common signals to calm your dog.


Calm Your Dog

When you yawn, your dog will usually yawn too. This is because yawning is contagious. Yawning is also a sign of relaxation. When you yawn, it signals to your dog that you are relaxed and not stressed. This, in turn, will help to relax your dog. Yawning is also a way to release excess energy.

If your dog is feeling anxious or energetic, yawning can help to release some of that energy and calm them down. So next time your dog is getting worked up, try yawning yourself and see if it helps calm them down.

Moving Slowly

Calm Your Dog

When you move slowly and deliberately, it sends a message of calm and confidence that can help set your dog at ease. This is especially useful when trying to calm a nervous or excitable dog. By moving slowly and speaking in a soft, reassuring voice, you can help your dog relax and feel more comfortable in any situation.

So the next time you need to calm your dog down, remember to move slowly and avoid any sudden movements. It could make all the difference in helping your dog stay calm and relaxed.

Turning Your Head

Calm Your Dog

Turning your head away from your dog is another calming signal that tells them you’re not interested in engaging at the moment. When your dog is getting too excited or overstimulated, you can use this signal. It’s important to remember that dogs will often mirror our own emotions, so it’s important to remain calm when using calming signals.

If you’re feeling stressed, your dog is likely to pick up on that and become stressed as well. By remaining calm and using calming signals, you can help your dog stay calm in stressful situations.

Licking Your Lips

Calm Your Dog

Any dog owner knows that a dog can be unpredictable. One minute they may be wagging their tail and looking at you with those big, brown eyes, and the next, they may be growling and showing their teeth. However, there are some calming signals that you can use to help defuse a tense situation. For example, licking your lips signals that you’re not a threat.

Dogs use this signal themselves when they want to show that they’re not aggressive. When you lick your lips, you send the same message to your dog. Try it the next time you’re around your dog, and you’ll see how quickly they relax.


Calm Your Dog

For anyone who has ever owned a dog, it is no secret that they are incredibly attuned to your emotions and body language. Studies have shown that dogs can read human facial expressions almost as well as other people can. They are very responsive to the cue of a human blink. This is because, in the animal world, blinking is a sign of submission. When you blink slowly and deliberately, it sends a calming signal to your dog that everything is okay.

In addition to being a calming signal, blinking can also build rapport with your dog. By making eye contact and then blinking slowly, you can create a sense of connection and understanding between you and your furry friend. So, when you blink slowly at your dog, it conveys a message of peace and reassurance.

Raising Your Hand

Calm Your Dog

When you see your dog getting worked up – whether it’s during a walk and they’re barking at another dog, or you’re at home, and they’re starting to jump on guests – one of the easiest ways to get them to calm down is by raising your hand. Raising your hand is a signal to your dog that they need to start paying attention to you and that they should calm down. Raising your hand is a cue for them to ‘watch me.’

Dogs are very good at reading human body language, so they know that you’re trying to get their attention when you raise your hand. The higher you raise your hand, the more urgent the signal is. So, if your dog is really worked up, make sure to raise your hand high enough that they can see it. Once they make eye contact with you, you can start giving them commands that will help them calm down.

Try Using These Signals To Calm Your Dog

There are a variety of different calming signals that you can use to help your dog relax in any situation. By using these signals, you can communicate with your dog in a way that they understand and will respond to. So the next time you need to calm your furry friend down, remember to move slowly, avoid any sudden movements, and use these calming signals to let your dog know that everything is okay.

And keep in mind that while these signals may work for some dogs, others may not respond as well. If you’re having trouble getting your dog to calm down, it’s always best to consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist. They will be able to help you figure out what is causing your dog’s anxiety and come up with a plan to help them feel more comfortable in any situation.