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Why Does My Dog Have A Lump?

If you own a dog, you know that they get sick just about as often as people do. Whether it’s something simple like a cold or allergies, or something more serious like cancer, dogs can get sick with various diseases just like any other living creature. One of the first signs that your dog is sick is usually a lump on their body. Most lumps on dogs are benign and not cause for worry, but some types of lumps can be a cause for concern. This blog post will look at some of the different kinds of lumps your dog might get and what they might mean.

Sebaceous Adenomas

Sebaceous adenomas are small, round lumps that often appear on older dogs’ heads or necks. They’re benign (not cancerous) tumors that arise from the sebaceous glands, which are tiny structures in the skin that secrete an oily substance called sebum. These lumps are not painful and don’t usually cause any problems unless they grow large enough to interfere with your dog’s vision or breathing. In most cases, sebaceous adenomas can be left alone and will not cause any harm.

There are several theories about what causes sebaceous adenomas, but the exact cause is unknown. One theory is that they result from a build-up of keratin in the sebaceous glands. Keratin is a protein in the skin, hair, and nails. It’s possible that as dogs age, their sebaceous glands become less efficient at breaking down keratin, which leads to the formation of these lumps.


Lipomas are the most common type of lumps on dogs. They’re benign growths that develop from fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of the skin (the layer just below the surface of the skin). They are usually soft and movable, and they range in size from a small grape to a large cantaloupe. In most cases, lipomas are not painful and don’t cause any problems unless they grow very large. Some lipomas can grow so large that they interfere with the dog’s ability to move or see, which can become dangerous.

Lipomas are most common in middle-aged and older dogs, although they can occur at any age. They’re also seen more often in certain breeds, including Labrador retrievers, Golden retrievers, Miniature schnauzers, Cocker spaniels, Shetland sheepdogs, and Basset hounds. There isn’t a definitive answer as to what causes lipomas. They tend to run in families, so there may be a genetic predisposition in some cases. However, obesity is also a contributing factor since lipomas are more common in overweight dogs.


Histiocytomas are benign growths originating from cells in the dog’s immune system. These lumps usually occur in young dogs, and most lumps will resolve on their own within six months. There are several different types of histiocytomas, but the most common type is cutaneous histiocytoma. Cutaneous histiocytomas usually appear as a small, round lump on the dog’s skin. They are typically firm and movable and can occur anywhere on the body. However, cutaneous histiocytomas are most common on young dogs’ heads, necks, and legs.

While histiocytomas are usually benign, they can occasionally become malignant. If a histiocytoma is growing rapidly or changing in appearance, it’s essential to have your veterinarian check it out. Malignant histiocytomas are rare, but they can be aggressive and spread to other parts of the body. If you notice any changes in your dog’s histiocytoma, or if the lump is causing your dog discomfort, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian.


Several types of lumps can form on your dog, but fibrosarcoma are one of the more severe types. Fibrosarcoma are malignant tumors that grow in the connective tissue, and they can be challenging to treat. There are a few different reasons why your dog might develop fibrosarcoma, and it’s important to be aware of the signs. One of the most common causes of fibrosarcoma is radiation exposure. If your dog has been treated with radiation therapy for another condition, they may be more likely to develop fibrosarcoma. In some cases, surgery can remove the tumor, but it may come back.

Another cause of fibrosarcoma is exposure to certain chemicals. Certain chemicals can damage the DNA of cells, leading to cancer. If your dog has been exposed to herbicides or pesticides, they may be at a higher risk for developing this type of tumor. To identify a fibrosarcoma, your veterinarian will need to biopsy the tumor. If your dog has a lump that you’re concerned about, make an appointment with your veterinarian so they can take a look.

Mast Cell Tumors

These lumps can be one of the most dangerous. They happen from a build-up of mast cells, a type of blood cell. Mast cell tumors can occur anywhere on the dog’s body, but they are most common on their abdomen. Mast cell tumors can be benign or malignant, and their behavior is often unpredictable. In some cases, surgery can cure mast cell tumors. However, if the tumor is malignant or has spread to other parts of the body, treatment may not be possible.

Certain environmental factors may play a role in the development of mast cell tumors. One theory is that exposure to chemicals or pollutants can lead to the build-up of these cells. Another theory is that certain viruses or bacteria can cause cells to become cancerous. If you notice a lump on your dog, it’s essential to have it checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible to make sure it is not harming them.


Several different types of lumps can form on your dog’s body, and each type has its own set of causes. The lump may be benign and not cause your dog any harm in some cases. However, in other cases, the lump may be malignant and aggressive. If you notice a lump on your dog’s body, it’s essential to have it checked out by a veterinarian so they can determine what is causing it. Early detection and treatment are critical for ensuring the best possible outcome for your dog.