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Secrets To Getting Your Dog To Obey Commands

Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are loyal, obedient, and happy to see their human companions. But getting your dog to obey commands can be a struggle at times. If you’re looking for tips on how to get your dog to listen better, you’ve come to the right place! This post will share some secrets to success regarding obedience training. So read on for helpful advice that will have your furry friend obeying your every command! (Including adorable pictures of wagging tails and tail-wags of approval, of course).

Start Practicing The Command Indoors

When it comes to training your dogs, many people can fall into the trap of trying to teach them on the go. Whether out in a busy park or along the city streets, you assume that your dogs will be able to focus and follow your commands amidst all of the distractions. However, this approach is often ineffective, as your dogs cannot wholly tune out their surroundings and focus on you instead. Instead, the key is to start practicing these commands indoors – where there are fewer distractions – and then gradually build up to training outdoors once your dog has mastered these commands. By giving your dog time to learn these skills one step at a time, you will help them master them more easily in the long run and end up with a well-behaved pooch who always listens!

Keep Training Sessions Kind Of Short

When it comes to training your dog, one key factor is to make sure that your training sessions are short and sweet. Keeping them fast help ensure that your dog stays focused and interested in learning new commands. This is because dogs tend to lose focus as training sessions drag on, becoming distracted or bored. By keeping your dog training sessions short, you can give yourself a better chance at successfully teaching your pup how to obey all of your commands! Additionally, by keeping training sessions short and engaging, you can avoid overwhelming your dog with too much information at once. This allows you more flexibility regarding the types of commands you can teach and their complexity level.

Allow Your Dog To Be Social

When it comes to training your beloved canine companions, one of the most overlooked aspects is socialization. Dogs are social animals at heart and need time to interact with other dogs and people to ensure that they become good citizens. Neglecting to let your dog socialize can negatively impact its behavior, as it may become hesitant and distrustful. So if you want to get your dog to obey your commands and learn new tricks, one of the best things you can do is allow it to interact with others in a controlled setting. Whether taking your pup out for walks in the park or enrolling it in obedience classes, making sure that your dog gets plenty of opportunities to interact with others will go a long way towards developing positive behaviors. After all, what you give your dogs is often what you get back!

Never Force Them

Training your dog can be a frustrating experience, especially if they refuse to obey your commands. However, it’s important to remember that dogs are not naturally inclined to follow your orders. They have to be taught to respond to you. The key to success is to never force your dog to do anything. Instead, make obedience training fun and rewarding for you and your pet. Start with simple commands such as sit and stay, and be sure to give plenty of praise and treats when your dog obeys. With patience and positive reinforcement, you’ll soon find that your dog is happy to obey your commands.

Reward Them For Obeying

Dogs are social animals that thrive on structure and routine. As such, they respond well to commands and respond favorably to rewards. When training your dog, it is important to be consistent with your commands and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. It is also essential to avoid punishment, leading to fear and mistrust. Instead, focus on rewarding your dog for obeying commands and reinforcing the desired behavior. For example, if you want your dog to sit, say the command clearly and offer a treat when they comply. With patience and consistency, you will be able to achieve a well-behaved dog that is a joy to be around.

Be Patient

Dogs are intelligent creatures that can learn a variety of tricks and commands. However, they don’t always learn at the same pace as their human companions. Some dogs pick up commands quickly, while others need more time and patience. The most important thing to remember when teaching your dog obedience is to be patient. Dogs learn best when they’re not feeling pressured or anxious. If you try to rush things, you’ll likely get frustrated, and your dog won’t retain anything. Instead, take things slow and give your dog plenty of praise and encouragement. You’ll eventually have a well-trained pup that obeys all your commands with a bit of patience and perseverance.


Whether you’re training a new puppy or working with an older dog that needs some help, obedience is an important skill to have. There are many different tips and strategies to get your dog to obey your commands, but the most important thing is to be patient and consistent. Using positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and avoiding punishment or harsh methods can help your pup learn new tricks and commands with ease. With a bit of patience and perseverance, you’ll be able to have a well-trained dog in no time. Thanks for reading!​

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