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Popular Dog Myths Debunked

Dogs are a popular pet choice for many people, and with good reason. They’re loyal, friendly, and make great companions. However, a few myths about dogs continue to circulate, even though they’ve been debunked time and time again. These myths can cause people to make wrong decisions about their dogs, so it’s important to be aware of them. This blog post will explore some of these myths and explain why they’re false. So if you’re considering getting a dog or want to learn more about these furry friends, read on!

Dogs Are Completely Color Blind

One of the most popular myths about dogs is that they are completely color-blind. While it is true that dogs do not see colors in the same way that humans do, they are not completely color-blind. Dogs have two types of photoreceptors in their eyes, called cones and rods. Cones are responsible for color vision, while rods are responsible for the black-and-white vision and light detection.

Humans have three types of cones, which allows us to see a full spectrum of colors. Dogs only have two types of cones, which means that they can only see a limited range of colors. However, this does not mean dogs see the world in black and white. Dogs see colors in a similar way to humans with red-green color blindness. This means that they can see shades of blue and yellow, but red and green appear muted or washed out.

Dogs Wag Their Tails When They’re Happy

Though it’s a widespread belief that dogs wag their tails when they’re happy, this isn’t always the case. Tail-wagging can be a dog’s way of communicating a range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to fear and anxiety. If a dog is wagging its tail in a relaxed fashion, with a loose body and calm facial expression, the dog is likely happy.

However, if the tail is wagging stiffly, with the body tense and the hackles raised, the dog may feel threatened or uneasy. It’s important to read a dog’s entire body language to correctly interpret its emotions, not just its tail. So next time you see a dog wagging its tail, take a look at the whole picture before assuming that the dog is happy.

One Human Year Equals Seven Dog Years

A popular myth is that one human year is equivalent to seven dog years. However, this calculation is not accurate and does not consider the different life spans of humans and dogs. The average lifespan of a dog is 10-12 years, while the average lifespan of a human is around 70 years. A dog ages at approximately six years for every one human year on average. Of course, many factors can affect aging, such as breed, lifestyle, and health. However, the seven-year myth is not based on scientific evidence and should not be used to calculate a dog’s age.

A Dry Nose Means A Dog Is Sick

People have been telling each other for years that a dry nose means a dog is sick. But is this true? Let’s take a closer look at the evidence. First of all, it’s important to know that dogs sweat through their noses. This is how they regulate their temperature. So, if your dog’s nose is dry, it could just mean that he’s been panting a lot and his nose has dried out.

Secondly, a dry nose can also be due to allergies or a reaction to something in the environment. If your dog is constantly scratching his nose or seems uncomfortable, it’s worth taking him to the vet to rule out any medical conditions. Finally, remember that every dog is different. Some dogs naturally have drier noses than others. If your dog’s nose is usually dry, there’s no need to worry.

A Dog’s Mouth Is Cleaner Than A Human’s


A common myth about dogs is that their mouths are cleaner than human mouths. A dog’s mouth is teeming with bacteria, and their close contact with garbage and other dirty things can lead to an increase in the number of bacteria in their mouths. Additionally, dogs typically do not have access to the same dental care level as humans, which means that their teeth are more likely to be covered in plaque and tartar.

Dogs Eat Grass When They’re Sick

Dogs have been known to eat grass when they’re feeling sick, leading many pet owners to believe that it’s a way to self-medicate. However, this is a myth. While the occasional bout of grass-eating isn’t harmful to dogs, there’s no evidence to suggest that it has any therapeutic benefits. Grass-eating is more likely to signify nutritional deficiencies or gastrointestinal distress. If your dog regularly eats grass, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian about potential underlying health issues. With proper care and treatment, you can help keep your furry friend happy and healthy.


Dogs are a popular pet choice for many reasons, including their adorable faces, wagging tails, and playful personalities. However, before you bring home your new furry friend, it’s important to know the truth about some of the myths surrounding them. This article debunked some common dog myths and provided accurate information based on scientific evidence. So whether you’re already a dog owner or just considering getting one, remember always to do your research first!