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7 Strange But Common Dog Behaviors

If you have a dog, you are probably well aware that dogs are strange creatures. They often do things you can’t understand, and sometimes their behavior is downright bizarre. However, even though their actions may seem weird, they usually make perfect sense to your furry friend. This blog post will take a look at seven of the strangest dog behaviors out there and try to give you an idea of what they mean. Keep in mind that not all dogs exhibit these behaviors, so don’t worry if your pup is perfectly normal!

Eating Grass

It’s a mystery that has perplexed dog owners for years – why do dogs eat grass? While there are several theories, the most likely explanation is that grass makes dogs feel good. After all, dogs have been known to eat all sorts of things, from garbage to socks. If eating grass makes them feel good, they’re going to do it. Some people believe that dogs eat grass because they’re sick, but there’s no evidence to support this theory. If your dog is eating grass and vomiting, it’s more likely due to an underlying medical condition, and you should take them to the vet. However, if they are nibbling on some grass from time to time, there’s no need to worry.

Chasing Their Tail

Chasing one’s tail is a classic dog behavior that has been the subject of many jokes. However, there is a reason behind this seemingly pointless activity. Dogs chase their tails for two main reasons – either they are trying to catch something irritating them, or they are trying to burn off excess energy. If your dog is chasing their tail excessively, it might signify that they need more exercise. Try taking them on long walks or playing with them more often. You can also try using a puzzle toy to give them something to do with their time.

Sniffing Butts

Another strange but typical dog behavior is sniffing butts. It may not be the most polite behavior when you see a dog sniffing another dog’s behind. But there’s a lot of important information that dogs can learn from sniffing each other’s posteriors. Dogs have glands in their behinds that produce unique chemicals, which contain information about the dog’s sex, age, health, and more.

By sniffing these glands, dogs can quickly gather information about each other. In addition, sniffing another dog’s behind is a way of showing submission and friendship. So the next time you see two dogs greeting each other with a sniff, don’t be too quick to judge – they’re just trying to be friendly.

Peeing On Fire Hydrants

If you’ve ever walked your dog on a city street, chances are you’ve seen them stop and lift their leg at a fire hydrant. But why do they do this? Though there are a few theories, the most likely explanation is that dogs mark their territory by urinating on objects that have a strong scent. Fire hydrants are often covered in the smell of other dogs, making them an ideal target for marking.

In addition, the height of a fire hydrant makes it easier for a dog to leave their scent at nose level, where it will be most noticeable to other dogs. Though it may be unsightly, urinating on fire hydrants is simply a way for dogs to communicate with each other and lay claim to their territory.

Barking At Nothing

It’s 3 a.m., and you’re sound asleep when suddenly, your dog starts barking like crazy. You try to shush them, but it’s no use. They bark and bark and bark until you’re both exhausted. But what’s causing this late-night fit of barking? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Dogs bark for various reasons, including boredom, fear, anxiety, and hunger.

However, one of the most common reasons dogs bark is because they’ve picked up on something you can’t hear. Dogs have much sharper hearing than humans, so it’s not surprising that they can pick up on sounds that we can’t. For example, a dog may start barking at the sound of a car driving by or a person walking outside. While this may be irritating, especially in the middle of the night, it’s important to remember that dogs are just trying to protect you and your home.

Licking Their Paws

Dogs are known for their rather interesting habit of licking their paws. While it may not seem like the most hygienic behavior, there are a few reasons dogs do it. For one, licking helps keep their paws clean and free of dirt and debris. Paw licking can also be a way for dogs to relieve boredom or stress. Some dogs may also lick their paws to self-soothe, especially if they suffer from anxiety or joint pain. Whatever the reason, paw licking is a perfectly normal behavior in dogs, and there’s no need to worry unless it becomes excessive.

Rolling In Stinky Stuff

Dogs have a well-earned reputation for being messy creatures. They slobber, shed, and have a seemingly endless capacity to roll in the most disgusting things imaginable. While there are a few different reasons for this, the most likely explanation is that they’re trying to mask their scent. After all, dogs have an acute sense of smell, and they know that even a hint of their natural odor can give them away from prey or predators.

Rolling in stinky stuff helps them disguise their scent and throw off potential threats. Another possibility is that they’re simply trying to make themselves more attractive to mates. Dogs have elaborate social hierarchies, and the females are often quite selective when choosing a mate. By covering themselves in smelly substances, males may be trying to make themselves more appealing to the opposite sex.


Dogs are fascinating creatures, and their behavior is often strange and inexplicable to humans. However, much of what they do makes perfect sense when considering their evolutionary history and natural instincts. So the next time your dog does something odd, take a step back and try to understand what’s going on. You may be surprised at just how much you learn about your furry friend in the process.